Epigee Pregnancy Resource

On-Line Pregnancy Test
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Pregnant? Think you might be? No matter what your age, nationality, race, or religion, we're here to help. Take our online pregnancy test which utilizes your natural menstrual cycle and date of intercourse to plot a mathmatical calculation which indicates the likelihood of pregnancy. Enter the two dates and numbers below and submit the data for a quick calculation of your pregnancy possibilities.

DISCLAIMER: This online test is a simple mathmatical calculation and should never be used to replace a true urine or blood test for pregnancy. If you think you are pregnant, or if this test indicates a possiblity of pregnancy, contact your medical doctor. This test does not imply or suggest the medical diagnosis of pregnancy. The resulting pregnancy report should not be considered medical advice.

Pregnancy Calculator

Your name (optional):

Your age:

On average, how many days is it from the first day of your period to the first day of your next period?
(28 days is average):

Enter the first day of your last normal period:
See the reference calendar below, if necessary.

Enter the day you think you conceived:
See the reference calendar below, if necessary.

Did you have additional acts of intercourse during that month?   YES   NO

Go to next section.

JavaScript Quarterly Reference Calendar

Have you experienced any of the following
(check all that apply):
    Nausea or Vomitting
    Fatigue or a need for Extra Sleep
    Weight Gain or Feeling Bloated
    Changes in Appetite
    Frequent Urination
    Sore or Tender Breasts
    Odd Sensations in the Abdomen
    A Positive Pregnancy Test
    Sharp or Unbearable Pain in the Abdomen or Side

Are you... (check all that apply):
    Under Unusual Stress Lately
    Exercising More than Usual
    Underweight for Your Height

What birth control method were you using when you think you conceived?:
    None (trying to get pregnant)
    None (not trying to get pregnant)
    Withdrawal (the pull-out method)
    Male Condoms
    Oral Contraceptives (the pill or mini-pill)
    Norplant (implants)
    Depo-Provera (the shot)
    Calendar or Rhythm Method
    Sympto-Thermal Method
    Sponge or Cervical Cap
    Female Condoms
    Female Sterilization


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 Updated: May 11, 2002