How Does Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Affect a Relationship?


OCD is often made worse when it begins affecting the relationships of the person with the illness. This happens, inevitably, as symptoms manifest and begin to affect the person's life, often first in familial and personal relations.

Often, friends, spouses, or partners are confronted with what they view as bizarre behavior and must either accommodate them or distance themselves from the patient. Compromises and sacrifices can be made, but quite often resentment and friction result. Sometimes, this leads to the relationship breaking down or dissolving.

The sad thing is that the person with OCD needs the close relationships of trusted friends and family more than ever. The catch-22 is that their illness is causing those relationships to break apart, which leads to feelings of betrayal and mistrust, which often worsens the symptom manifestations around OCD.

While OCD can be a relationship breaker, it can also be a builder of relationships as couples, partners, or friends work through the strain and predicaments to forge stronger, closer ties. These ties can often be what saves the OCD patient from a life of misery, self-loathing, and depression.

As with all other things, love generally conquers all. With OCD, it can be the only force pushing a patient and his or her family and friends towards finding a treatment and cure to make life better again. By confronting the disorder head on and asking questions about OCD to healthcare professionals, they can overcome.

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Do you or a loved one feel like you might have a problem with OCD? Take the Self Test now to get more information.

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