OCD Medication List


Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a mental condition that is characterized by sufferers having to perform specific rituals to satisfy their unwanted obsessions. It is a potentially debilitating disorder that can have a number of negative impacts on the individuals who are forced to live with it on a daily basis.

While there is no legitimate cure for this condition, there are a number of proven, effective treatment options that can help stabilize life for OCD sufferers. Each of these treatment options comes with their own sets of positives and negatives, and as such, should be researched carefully before use.

Some of the more well-known OCD treatment options are:

Recognized by many as Zoloft, this antidepressant has been cleared by the Food and Drug administration as a legitimate OCD treatment option. It utilizes the raising of serotonin activity in the brain in order to cope with some of the day-to-day problems that OCD can cause. Known side-effects of it include, but aren’t limited to: confusion, fever, nosebleeds aggressiveness, breathing difficulties, chest pains and blurry vision.
Known as Anafranil, this treatment option also utilizes the regulation of serotonin activity in the brain. This tricylic antidepressant can be obtained in both capsule or pill form, depending on what people prefer. Negative side-effects of this drug include, but aren’t limited to: blurry vision, confusion, irritability, noises in the ears, inability to concentrate anxiety and chills.
Sold as Paxil, this SSRI antidepressant medication has also been known to treat OCD. Negative side-effects include, but aren’t limited t: low blood pressure, lockjaw, color blindness, dizziness, trouble speaking and muscle spasms.
Recognized as Luvox and Luvox CR, this SSRI medication is also often used to treat OCD. The negative side-effects of this one include, but aren’t limited to: unusual behavior, diarrhea, constipation, trembling chills and twitches.
Sold as Prozac, Selfemra, Rapiflux and Sarafem, this SSRI antidepressant medication is available in syrup, pill solution and capsule form. It has been known to have negative side-effects that include, but aren’t limited to: headaches, rapid heartbeat, anxiety, agitation and abdominal pains.
ocd self test
Do you or a loved one feel like you might have a problem with OCD? Take the Self Test now to get more information.

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