OCD Spectrum Blogs

Adventures of a Germophobe's picture
Have I mentioned that The Andy Griffith Show is a favorite program of mine?  The episode with Gomer...
Adventures of a Germophobe's picture
Let me take you back a few months.  The holidays are a festive time at my office.  Potlucks and deco...
On Psychology and Neuroscience's picture
Phone interview pro tip: Always have your computer on hand so you can google stuff when you have no...
On Psychology and Neuroscience's picture
When I asked my friend Tom for an explanation of the runner’s high, his answer was simple: “Everythi...
On Psychology and Neuroscience's picture
Why is it that some of us would rather spend every waking minute in the company of another, whereas...
On Psychology and Neuroscience's picture
You are biased. Does it sting to hear that? Do you become bristly and defensive? That’s unders...
On Psychology and Neuroscience's picture
When people ask me if I’m religious, I tend to answer, “More religious than the average Colby studen...
On Psychology and Neuroscience's picture
When considering the environmental and genetic factors that influence the anatomical structure of th...
On Psychology and Neuroscience's picture
At this point in time, you’ve most likely heard of the environmental phenomenon climate change. If y...
On Psychology and Neuroscience's picture
Nearly every individual has been touched or moved by music at some point in life. Whether you have f...
ocd self test
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