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Unique qualities of Tai Chi improve memory


Scientists have found that seniors who practice Tai Chi show increased
brain volume and better memory.
Could it be that Tai Chi only three times a week can deter the effects of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease?

Tai Chi gets same results as more demanding aerobics

Previous studies have shown that aerobic exercise was associated with increased brain volume. This study revealed that less demanding exercise, Tai Chi, had the same result. The scientists also found that stimulating conversation contributed to brain volume and better memory as well.

“The ability to reverse this trend with physical exercise and increased mental activity implies that it may be possible to delay the onset of dementia in older persons through interventions that have many physical and mental health benefits,” explained lead author Dr. James Mortimer, professor of epidemiology at the University of South Florida College of Public Health.

Tai Chi combines physical and mental exercise

Aerobic exercise is associated with increased production of brain growth factors. It may be that the combination of physical exercise and mental exercise found in a discipline like Tai Chi could radically change the course of dementia’s destructive capability. “If this is shown, then it would provide strong support to the concept of ‘use it or lose it’ and encourage seniors to stay actively involved both intellectually and physically,” Dr. Mortimer continued.

Could exercise prevent Alzheimer’s disease?

“Epidemiologic studies have shown repeatedly that individuals who engage in more physical exercise or are socially active have a lower risk of Alzheimer’s disease. The current findings suggest that this may be a result of growth and preservation of critical regions of the brain affected by this illness,” concluded Mortimer.

Source: MedicalNewsToday, IOS Press

Photo by John Nyboer

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