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Brain Physics » Depression » Articulation Problem : Hi , I am a 21 year old girl suffering from speech problems since my childhood. I have issues forming sentences in my head and thereby fluently talking to people. This has greatly crushed my self esteem and is killing me . Help

Articulation Problem : Hi , I am a 21 year old girl suffering from speech problems since my childhood. I have issues forming sentences in my head and thereby fluently talking to people. This has greatly crushed my self esteem and is killing me . Help

Submitted by Pooja Tue 05/04/2010

Well, the best advice I can give you is to seek help by a real mental help professional in person. You first need to find out why you have a speech problem before being able to be properly treated. Based on your description it sounds like it is likely anxiety related (possibly social phobia) and if so, can be treated by a behavioral psychologist. Maybe your problem is something more physical however in which case you would be referred to a medical doctor who specializes in speech disorders.

The hardest step is often getting help initially, especially for anxiety disorders. People often suffer needlessly out of fear, so the fact you are seeking help, even if it is still just online, is an excellent first step. You really need to take the next step now however. I would recommend searching for a psychologist who specializes in anxiety disorders who can lead you from there.

Best of luck,
Dr. Williams

Monnica T. Williams, Ph.D., Clinical Psychology
No Cost OCD Treatment:

I have always had the same problem! My mom too. I can visualize what I want to say as a picture, but not "translate" it quickly into English. I always quip, "English is my second language." When they ask what is my first, I say images.

I have trouble grasping even simple everyday nouns. I can see, for instance, a chair in my head, but not the name for it. I mean I know the word chair; it just doesn't leap to my mouth right away. I can't tell a story or a joke to save my life!

Anyway, you are not alone, and it's nice to know there are others too.


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