Welcome brainphysics.com ! Your Account is On-line with web2010.com! ---------------------------------------- Please do not reply to this message - send any messages via our Online Technical Support request page: http://faq.web2010.com/services/support.shtml ---------------------------------------- 1. Remember! Our system is SeNsItIvE to upper and lower case. 2. You can name your home page: index.html index.htm home.htm home.html or index.shtml 3. cgi-bin and maps and icons are invalid directories. DO NOT USE THEM. 4. Upload your Perl/HTML/TXT in ASCII or TEXT Mode, Zip & Images Files in Binary. 5. Check the FAQ (http://faq.web2010.com/) First before asking. 6. Your technical questions can be answered by filling out our Technical Support Request Page at http://faq.web2010.com/services/support.shtml . 7. Our service is based on the subscriber having a working knowledge of the WWW, FTP, Telnet, & Email. 8. You can FTP, Telnet or retrieve Email from your account 24hrs/day using your domain as your host name or POP3 server. 9. If this is a New domain, we will handle the registration of your domain name for you. We have added a $70 charge to your account to cover the registration costs. This will cover the first two years of registration. Because the registration process can take several days (on rare occasions weeks), it is possible for a submission that pre-dates your own to reserve the domain name. For this reason, registration of your domain name is not guaranteed and Web2010 cannot assume liability for costs associated with the inability to secure a given domain name (this includes but is not limited to: stationery, advertising materials, trademark and copyright fees, merchandise bearing the domain name, etc.). If this a Transfered Domain, there is no additional charge from Internic. Please see the additional information at the bottom of this email under the heading "Important Info for Transfering Domains". 10.By The Use of our Domain Maintenance Services, Uploading your files to our server(s) and/or the use of our Email services you hereby agree to the terms of our "Accepted Usage and Content Policy" found at: http://faq.web2010.com/usage.html Here are 4 excerpts: A. Pornography - Due to legal and social issues, we will not accept any new customers who publish pornographic images. We do not allow any pornographic content on our server, including but not limited to nude photographs, explicit language, or sexual fiction. If an existing customer publishes pornographic images, Web2010 may issue a warning and/or suspend your account. Let's make this easy to understand: No site that promotes porn or nudity will be allowed on our servers, this includes BANNERS, CLICKER SITES, EDITORIALS, STORIES, NUDE PHOTOGRAPHS, EXPLICIT LANGUAGE, SEXUAL FICTION, OR ANYTHING THAT WEB2010 DEEMS INAPPROPRIATE FOR OUR SERVERS. If an existing customer publishes pornographic images, Web2010 will remove your site from our server and all monies paid will be forfeited. B. Excessive Bandwidth Usage - Premier Plan and Basic Plan accounts have unlimited bandwidth as described in our Terms and Conditions: http://faq.web2010.com/services/terms.html All other accounts have a set amount of bandwidth without additional charge as outlined on our Regular Pricing and/or Reseller Pricing pages at: http://faq.web2010.com/services/pricing.html http://reseller.web2010.com Bandwidth Usage over the allowance is billed at $20/10 gigabytes or fraction thereof. Please check the the allowance for your plan. C. Bulk Email, Spam, or Unsolicited Mail Submissions- NO DOMAIN MAINTAINED BY WEB2010 will be permitted to submit BULK EMAIL of any type. This includes but not limited to using our Email server or any other BULK EMAIL submission service, i.e. Cyber Promotions. This includes but is not limited to the the use of the Domain Name or an Email Address for the Domain Name in the actual Bulk Email. If we receive a complaint on a BULK EMAIL from a Domain maintained on our servers, the account we be subject to suspension and/or cancellation without notice. D. Due to Legal & Liabilty issues we do not host WAREZ sites or sites that promote the use of or supply directly or links to serial numbers of Unlicensed Software. ------------------------------------------------- How to Contact Technical Support: 1. Check out our FAQ at http://faq.web2010.com You will find the answers to the most common questions there. 2. If you cannot find your questions addressed, then fill out the Technical Support Request Form found at http://faq.web2010.com/services/support.shtml and Support will respond to you as quickly as possible. Note: We use this method so we may document the questions clients have, we then can make our FAQ as complete as possible and ultimately serve you better. -------------------------------------------------- Your account has been preconfigured with the following features: WWWBoard - Interactive Message Board GuestBook - Your visitors can leave you their contact info and comments. SimpleSearch - Searches your Web pages for specific text. .domains - collects mail for any address in your domain, even mis-spellings! It will handle email forwarding for as many addresses as you like. MReply - Sends automatic responses to emails. Default Addresses: info, sales, webmaster, support and billing have been setup as autoresponders. Send email to: info@brainphysics.com to see a demonstration. The file .domains in your home directory controls where your email will go and can be edited to forward email in the following manner: .domains -------- TO: FORWARD TO: info@brainphysics.com # sales@brainphysics.com # webmaster@brainphysics.com # support@brainphysics.com # billing@brainphysics.com # root@brainphysics.com root@tempsite.net raterwil@brainphysics.com raterwil brainphysics.com raterwil If you added this line: bob@brainphysics.com bob@aol.com to the top of your .domains file, all mail that comes in for bob will forward off to bob's aol address, neat huh? The # sign as the destination address means forward this to Mreply, which will process the .mreply.rc file in your home directory. This file is an intermediate shell language that will allow you to setup auto-responders. More information on Mreply is available at: http://faq.web2010.com/autoresponders.html ------------------------------------------------- DOCUMENTROOT AND ALIASES: DocumentRoot: The directory your web content goes in is known as your DocumentRoot. Your DocumentRoot is: /mnt/web/guide/brainphysics/www URL references and browser links to your domain automatically point into the DocumentRoot. This URL, for example: http://brainphysics.com/search.html points to this file: /mnt/web/guide/brainphysics/www/search.html Aliases: We have created a logs directory and a docs directory that reside outside of your DocumentRoot. To allow web browsers to reach them, we have created Aliases for them. This means that these URL's: http://brainphysics.com/logs/usage.html http://brainphysics.com/docs/file.zip would point to these actual files: /mnt/web/guide/brainphysics/logs/usage.html /mnt/web/guide/brainphysics/docs/file.zip CGI-BIN: During the account setup, we created a local cgi directory for you at: /mnt/web/guide/brainphysics/cgibin This is where you should put your custom cgi scripts. We also created ScriptAliases that point all references to http://brainphysics.com/cgibin/ or http://brainphysics.com/cgi-bin/ to your local cgibin directory. If you create a cgibin or cgi-bin directory in your www directory, it will not be seen by web browsers. Your account has the suexec program enabled. This program is what runs your cgi's when they are called from a browser. It We have further instructions on using your cgibin directory at: http://faq.web2010.com/cgi.html --------------------------------------------------- Anonymous FTP: AnonymousFTP is disabled by default. It can be turned on pursuant to customer request including domain name, userid and password. This will give anybody the ability to upload large files in subdirectories that they create that you may not be able to delete (ftp bombing), thus pushing your total disk usage above the size allowed for by your pricing plan, resulting in additional charges. If Web2010 is required to delete these unwanted or inaccessible files or directories, there will be a $30 service fee. The general public will also have the ability to upload commercial software that could possibly place you in violation of copyright law. Web2010 bears no responsibility or liability for the contents of your anonymous ftp directories once you have requested that they be enabled. Alternatives to anonymous ftp are discussed at: http://faq.web2010.com/anonymous_ftp.htm#disclaimer ----------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT INFO FOR TRANSFERING DOMAINS: Internic will not allow us to transfer existing domains. Only the Administrative or the Technical Contact can do this. The Internic Online Modification Form can be found at: http://www.networksolutions.com/cgi-bin/domain.mod Enter your email address & domain name, click "Modify Existing Domain", hit "Proceed", then follow the rest of the directions. You will need the following information in order to do the modification. CONTACT INFORMATION: Technical Contact NIC Handle: js1795 (You do not need to fill in contact info Billing Contact NIC Handle: js1795 just enter this code in the NIC Handle box) NAMESERVER INFORMATION: (Required Information) Primary Server Hostname: ns.web2010.com Primary Server Netaddress: Secondary Server Hostname: ns2.web2010.com Secondary Server Netaddress: (Optional Information) Secondary Server Hostname: ns3.web2010.com Secondary Server Netaddress: Secondary Server Hostname: ns4.web2010.com Secondary Server Netaddress: You might have other information that needs to be updated on this form, such as the Administrative Contact. That would be up to you to decide. After you submit the form, InterNIC will email you a "Domain Modification Template". You need to "reply" to the template using your mail client's "reply" feature or button. If the email address you entered under General Information is not the Administrative Contact for this domain, InterNIC will then send a request for confirmation to the email address that is listed under the header "Administrative Contact Information". When they receive a response from that address, they will complete the changes. ------------------------------------------------- Current server hardware and software version information is at: http://faq.web2010.com/versions.htm ------------------------------------------------- The current email address we have on file as your administrative contact is: raterwil@ucla.edu This is the address to which we will send all account notices, announcements and updates. You can review this and other current account information using our Customer Database Interface at: http://custinfo.web2010.com/ Should you wish to make any changes to the information there, use this secure form: https://w105.securedweb.net/faq/frontpage/secure/update.html ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVER INFO: Your Web Site Account Management USERID was created as raterwil Username: raterwil can FTP to brainphysics.tempsite.net now! Use the password you requested at sign-up. If you do not recall the password you requested, please call us with the credit card number used to sign up the account (for authentication). Alternatively, we can send the information to the administrative contact email address we have on file. If you will need telnet access, just let us know using our form at: http://faq.web2010.com/services/support.shtml Home Directory created /mnt/web/guide/brainphysics Your DocumentRoot is /mnt/web/guide/brainphysics/www . This is the directory your web content should go in. This is the directory that the public has browser access to. Your Web Statistics Summary is located at /web/guide/brainphysics/logs/usage.html The url to reach it via browser is: http://brainphysics.com/logs/usage.html Please USE Temporary Domain Reference http://brainphysics.tempsite.net or your IP address until your domain is approved by InterNIC. IP address for brainphysics.com is You web site is located on our w203.web2010.com server Allow us to thank you for the opportunity to serve your Web Hosting needs. We look forward to a long relationship. Web2010 Staff 1-407-445-3033 9am-9pm, Mon-Fri, 12noon-6pm, Sat-Sun (EST)