Music, Genes, and Dopamine: The Connection

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Most of us do not require scientific evidence that music lifts our mood. We just accept what our listening experience tells us.

This does not prevent researchers from searching for reasons why music benefits our emotions and outlook. Scientists at the University of Helsinki in Finland, for example, have made amazing genome, and music related discoveries.

Music and Dopamine

The curious Finnish investigators examined 24,000 genes of 48 people while they listened to Mozart’s third violin concerto—a dramatic, soul stirring composition. The analysis results were compared that of a control group—participants not listening to music.

One of the genes in the Mozart-hearing group that was “turned on” by musical vibrations is called synuclein-alpha (SNCA). The gene is stationed on a chromosome in a genome area related to musical aptitude.

SNCA is also involved with the release and distribution of the neurotransmitter dopamine. Dopamine is associated with uplifted mood, and motivation because of its effect on our brain’s pleasure and reward center.

Brain Booster

Besides SNCA, the expression of other genes was upgraded by hearing Mozart’s music, including:

  • genes that retard the degeneration of neural networks.
  • genes involved in signal transmission throughout the brain
  • genes that facilitate learning and memory.

This research also showed that participants with an affinity for music had more of their genes switched-on by song. In the most music-savvy listeners, 45 to 97 of their genes were energized, or up-regulated, by Mozart’s melodies.

Cross-Species Genetic Affinity for Music

The Helsinki research reveals the interrelatedness of species as well. Several genes upgraded by music throughout this study are found in songbirds and are responsible for their lilting vocalizations. This may explains why avian singing is so pleasurable to human sensibilities.

At the root of all power and motion, there is music and rhythm, the play of patterned frequencies against the matrix of time. Before we make music, music makes us. ~ George Leonard

Sources: PeerJ; Huff Post
Photo credit: myheimu / flickr creative commons

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